About Folly

Folly is an independent literary anthology of art, short stories, non-fiction and poetry. Launched in 2023 in collaboration with the Wellington Writers’ Studio, it is home for beautiful content, humor and satire - providing a platform for writing that straddles the literary and commercial genres. Central to our kaupapa is the provision of a print publication that is accessible for both writers and readers in New Zealand. Folly welcomes unfiltered accounts of everyday life, eclectic takes on the mundane, and deep dives into society, love and sexuality. 

Folly is a member of the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses and abides by the CLMP Code of Ethics.

What makes a Folly story

We are loving the interest and emails from writers around the world enthusing about Folly and enquiring in detail about what it is we are looking for in submissions. To be clear - we aren't particularly looking for high-brow literature, but we are looking for beautiful writing. We want to see truth, satire and stories that make us laugh at the foibles of modern life - those interludes where the surreal meets the eccentric, otherworldly clashes with reality and where our moral compasses are stretched to the extreme.

We love the writing of Lisa Taddao, Ottessa Moshfegh, Sally Rooney, Zadie Smith, Rebecca K. Reilly, Chloe Lane, Coco Mellors, Taylor Jenkins Reid, Emma-Jane Unsworth and Nikki Gemmell. We are totally into what our friends at Monofiction, F[r]iction, Noon Annual, and American Chordata are doing. We are also open to considering non-fiction writing about the social scene, and welcome enquiries and ideas from journalists and authors who wish to be involved in Folly.

Lastly, we are open to considering previously published works.

Life is full of follies. Let’s celebrate them.